Monday, July 12, 2010

Breast Cancer

What is Breast Cancer ?

Breast cancer is malignant growth of breast tissue that affected the nipple or fatty tissue of the breast. Breast cancer spreads to nearby lymph glands, lungs, pleura, bone ( especially the skull ), pelvis and liver. It affected mostly on women, but it may affect males in rare cases. Breast cancer is rare before age 30. The incidence increases after menopause. Risk increases with women over 50, women who have not had children or who conceived in the late fertile years, family history of breast cancer and previous benign tumors of the breast ( fibrocystic disease ).

What is the signs & Symptoms ?

Swelling or lump in the breast.
Vague discomfort in the breast without true pain and retraction of the nipple.
Bloody discharge from the nipple (rare).
Distorted breast contour and dimpled or pitted skin in the breast.
Enlarged nodes under the arm.
How to prevent ?
Prevention is more important than treatment. Self breasts examination monthly for signs of cancer.
Visit your doctor rregularly for a professional examination.
Obtain a baseline mammograms or breasts ultrasound scan between ages 35 to 40. Have mammograms or breasts ultrasound scanning every year thereafter if you have risk factors mentioned above.
Eat a well-balance diet that is low in fat.
If you are pregnant, consider breast-feeding your baby. Women who have breast-fed have a lower incidence of breast cancer.

What is the Diagnostic Measures ?

Your own observation of symptoms.
Medical history and physical exam by a doctor.
X-ray of the breasts and bones.
Laboratory blood studies of hormones.

What is the possible complications ?
Metastasis ( spread ) to vital organs if not treated early and may have adverse reactions to anticancer drugs.

What is the probable outcome ?
Most breast cancer is curable if diagnosed and treated early. The 10 year survival rate among all women with breast cancer is less than 50%.


How to treat ?
Follow your doctor's instructions and he will did the explanation of mastectomy ( breast-cancer surgery ) and postoperative care to you.
During treatment, your doctor may prescribe pain relievers, anti-cancer drugs, such as fluorouracil, cyclophosphamide, methotrexate, chlorambucil, vicristine, doxorubicin or melphalan. Hormones (male and female), cortisone drugs.

What is the postoperative activity ?
After surgery, resume normal activities gradually. Exercise for rehabilitation following surgery will depend on how much tissue has been removed and your general physical condition.

What is the special diet ?
There's no special diet.
Please browse to the Blog Archive Site for Breast Self-Examination !!